I met these precious babies in Birmingham. How funny to see them "interact."
As for what we have been doing while at home, here it is...
James was very quiet while playing a few days ago, and this usually means trouble...so I found him re-handed with tea bags. He was very proud.
His current favorite playing spot (under the dining room table)
When I tell James to go to his chair, he always chooses the booster seat, rather than the high chair. I guess he prefers to smear his mess on the table rather than a tray! Check out that wild hair. Does he need a haircut or what?!
Best investment in a long time- James has spent quite a bit of time in his sand box over the last few days. I have perched in the chair next to it and watched.
And our big news is....drum roll...Isaac and I are taking an adults only vacation in 7 days!!! Yippee...