James's attention span is pretty short these days and we rotate through activity centers (or more specifically...plastic, brightly colored baby toys) quite quickly. I swore I would not have a house full of baby clutter. At the moment there is a car seat, swing, bouncy seat, Johnny Jump Up and play mat all on my living room. (eat those words...yep!) So, Saturday James woke up bright and early (gone are the days of sleeping in on the weekends; although, sweet Isaac had baby duty this morning and I stayed in bed until 7:45!). By 10 a.m. James had rotated through all of his toys, taken a SHORT nap (his new bad habit), gone for a "swim," changed clothes 2x, played outside on his playmat, watched Isaac cut the grass...you get the idea.
BUT, in spite of our chaos and such, days are much more enjoyable for all of the Byrds when the sun is out. Here are a few pictures of our outdoor activities this weekend. It's cloudy and rainy today BUT we are watching the Grizz which is almost as good as sunshine (especially if they win). More on that later!
See a few pics from our yard, garden, and sunny days.
The smallest pool you have ever seen, but perfect for a 5 minute "swim." It only took 2 pitches of warm tap water, and he was ready to go. Don't worry, that white baby skin was coated in sun screen, and he only lasted a few minutes.

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